Commentary on the Noble Kinglike Aspiration for Good Conduct


The aspirations to benefit all sentient beings and to actively engage in the practices leading to enlightenment are the basis of the Mahāyāna Buddhist path. The practice of making these and other virtuous aspirations is considered vital, as it is through them that bodhisattvas are able to develop their realizations and good qualities. One of the most well-known aspiration prayers is that of the Noble Kinglike Aspiration for Good Conduct. The prayer, which is also known under the abbreviated titles of the Aspiration for Good Conduct and the Kinglike Aspiration, is among the most widely used Mahāyāna devotional texts.

This book by the late master Khenchen Appey Rinpoche (1927-2010), translated by Maria Vasylieva, elucidates the Aspiration for Good Conduct, word-for-word, and represents an explanation of the prayer that is accessible to all students of the Dharma, old and new. The explanations are accompanied by extensive and detailed annotations along with a new translation of the aspirational prayer itself, one that takes into account Rinpoche’s clear and detailed commentary.

160 pages, 2023 paperback edition.

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